Good hagglers always do a thorough inspection of anything they are interested in buying and if they find a flaw they will always ask for the price to be lowered. 砍价好手对他们感兴趣的东西,通常都会细细地检查一遍,如果他们发现了小瑕疵,他们就会要求降低价格。
Therefore, the inspection of places of entertainment professionals will effectively control the spread of AIDS. 所以,对娱乐场所从业人员进行检查将有效的控制艾滋病的传播。
Quality inspection of electronic watch will be carried out by appointed inspector. 电子表的质量检测将由指定的检查员进行。
Performance evaluation of civil servants provides an objective basis for decisions on other aspects of human resource management in public sectors and therefore enhancing the inspection of them will improve administrative efficiency by optimizing their teams. 摘要公务员绩效评估机制为公共部门人力资源管理其它环节的决策提供客观依据,并由此强化对公务员的监督,优化公务员队伍继而提升行政效率。
Upon inspection and satisfaction, the buyer will pay the60% balance and shipping of the goods will be arranged forthwith. 若产品检验合格,买方将支付60%的货物余额,并立刻装运。
After completion of inspection the partition of each said will comment and sign the inspection certificates. 检验完毕后,由参加检验的各方共同签写验收证明书。
He has had to deal with a quasi-religious conviction that tax cuts are the engines of growth rather than the makers of mega-deficits as any inspection of recent history will incontestably demonstrate. 奥巴马必须应对一种类似于宗教信仰的看法,即减税是增长引擎,而不是如近期历史无可辩驳地展示的造成巨额赤字。
If the place of use is not specified, the inspection and quarantine administration at the port of entry of such products will take charge of the inspection. 未明确使用地的由入境口岸检验检疫机构负责检验。
As for the inspection of goods, it is so important that no businessman will ignore it. He smiled to rob the next words of offense. 至于商检,它是如此重要以致没有商人不考虑它。他微微一笑,使接着要说的话不致于得罪人。
For those passing the inspections, a Certification of Entry Inspection and Quarantine of Goods will be issued, and the approval extended for their sales, installation and use. 经检验合格的,出具《入境货物检验检疫证明》,准予销售、安装、使用。
Careful inspection of the image will reveal, however, that bright stars leave small trails in the lake reflections that do not appear in the sky above. 然而,仔细观赏这张影像可以观察到在湖面倒影中的亮星会拖著一条小小的尾巴,但这是天空中的星星看不到的。
Through effective inspection on high risk areas of accidents on campus the result will provide the improvement target and thus lower the accidents. 透过校园高危险因子的有效监测,提供改善的目标以降低意外发生。
On inspection, however, the argument that laws governing one kind of marriage will not affect another cannot stand. 然而,仔细一想,认为管理一种婚姻关系的法律不会影响另一种关系,这种论点根本站不住脚。
Talking about the Product Standard and Incoming Inspection of the Chemical Assistants of the Oil Field Auxiliary agents for beamhouse will be reviewed from the angles of their compostion, property, action mechanism and developed prospects in some papers. 作者将针对制革前处理助剂,从主要成分、性能、作用原理、应用和发展前景等方面进行归纳、总结,以给同行在助剂产品的开发和制革过程中的选用时提供一些借鉴。
Due to lacking the function to eliminate the noise, in the data of railway track irregularities which are obtained by track inspection car, the evaluation of track quality will be influenced. 轨道动态几何不平顺数据主要采用轨检车进行检测,由于缺乏去除功能,轨检车检测数据中存在噪音成分,不利于轨道质量状态的客观评价。
If the data flow moves negatively, the way to trace inspection of nuclear material accounting quality will be constituted. 若反向流动,则成为追朔核查核材料衡算质量的途径。
The accuracy of thread inspection and quality of threaded connection will be influenced by burrs resulted from the thread cutting process of tubing and casing. 油井管螺纹切削加工中产生的毛刺会直接影响螺纹检验的准确性和螺纹连接质量。
When commercialized, the robotic system could have potential applications in the regular inspection of pipelines, which will be widely used in nuclear power plants, chemical factories, refrigeration industry, and utility engineering. 这套机器人系统经产品化开发后可望应用于诸如核电、化工、制冷和公用事业等的非磁性金属管道的定期检查。
A method which used KCNS and SnCl 22H 2O solution to identify the molybdenum stainless steel was presented. Taking this inspection method, the identification will be fast, simplification and accurate, and the workload of the materials recheck will be reduced. 本文介绍了一种用硫氰化钾(KCNS)、氯化亚锡(SnCl22H2O)等溶液快速准确鉴别含Mo不锈钢的方法,采用这种检测手段,快速、简易、准确,减少了企业材料复验的工作量。
The inspection and maintenance of pipelines will help to extend the low probability of the pipeline failure curve with a "bath tub" shap, which can reduce pipeline failures. 管道检测和维修能使呈浴盆状的管道事故曲线的低概率部分加宽,从而降低管道事故。
Certainly, to some contents after revising, have different views on the theory circle and practice circle, these problems practiced inspection through promotion and administration of justice of the theoretical research, will find the best way to solve eventually. 当然,对于修订后的一些内容,在理论界和实务界均有不同看法,这些问题通过理论研,究的深化和司法实践的检验,终究会找到解决的最佳途径。
The success of the lighting inspection machine marks a new breakthrough in the field of our basic equipment and will play a positive role in related areas. 点灯检查机国产的成功,也标志着我国基础装备领域的新突破,对于相关领域和技术的带动将起到一定的积极作用。
For a long time, our country in this area is dependence on mass experience workers for inspection, not only time-consuming, low degree of automation, and high-speed operation of the train will be a great threat to the personal safety of Patrol Road workers. 长期以来我国在这一领域都是依靠大量有经验的工人进行巡检,不但费时费力、自动化程度低,而且高速运行的列车还会极大的威胁巡道工人的人身安全。
New-style wearable medical monitor has important practical value in fields such as daily health inspection of the elderly, rehabilitation of patients etc., and will be an important kind of medical equipment for health monitoring, diagnosing and health care in the new medical model. 开发新型的可穿戴式医疗监护仪,在老年人日常健康监测、病人康复治疗等方面有重大的实用价值,将成为新医疗模式下重要的健康监护、诊断和保健设备。
Fire product quality inspection agency implementation of product quality inspection authority and organization, product quality inspection standards, accuracy and efficiency will have a huge impact on the life and work of nationals. 消防产品质量检验机构是对消防产品质量实施检验的权威机构和组织,消防产品质量检验的标准、精确度和效率都会对国民的生活和工作产生巨大的影响。
So the historic inspection of the Japanese enterprise vocational education will have a very important enlightenment role for the undeveloped enterprise vocational education in China. 对日本企业内职业教育的历史考察无疑对欠发达的中国企业内职业教育也有重要的启示作用。
Free spot inspection function module improved the parameter settings of vibration data acquisition, which will result in largely decreasing the times of inputting test point information and raising work efficiency, even if in the face of a great demand for temporary data acquisition. 自由点检功能模块将振动采集功能参数设置作了改进,即使面对大量的临时性数据采集需求,也能减少采集人员频繁输入测点信息的次数,大大提高工作效率。
The realization of this system for inspection and analysis of information systems development will be a certain reference value in the future. 本系统的实现对今后检化验信息系统的实现具有一定的参考价值。
Our probation system has just been drastic changes, include the application and the inspection of the probation, but the probation system there are still some problems, this will severely limit the application of the probation. 我国对于缓刑制度刚刚进行了大幅度的修改,对于缓刑的适用、考察进行了相应的完善,但是目前我国的缓刑制度仍然存在着一些问题,这就会严重限制缓刑的适用。